Friday, October 19, 2007

Home Sveet Svishtov

Today was my first day of work in my new organization. As a first day, it really isn't much of a day for accomplishments, but I spent time familiarizing myself with the organization, thinking about project ideas, and researching bird conservation online. All in all, it will be work that will pay off later, I think. Information gathering never really feels like an accomplishment, but in environmental work, uninformed action can be disastrous!

So, I will have the pleasure of cooking my very own dinner this evening. While I have greatly enjoyed the cooking of my host family, I have been itching for some of my own cooking. I, taking after my mother, am an immodest fan of my own culinary skills. I was further encouraged in my zeal for my own cooking by the unearthing of some long-ago packed kitchen gadgets from my winter luggage (most importantly, my microplane). I have already scoped out a purveyor of kitchen gadgets (one of my favorite types of retailers), and will be buying my stove-top espresso maker post-haste!

Otherwise, this weekend I will be exploring my new city and beginning to settle in. I think that I may attend an event put on by Japanese volunteers tomorrow, rumor has it there will be Japanese food!

I must be hungry with all this talk about food. I'd better get going in order to remedy that!

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Beth! Good luck with your stovetop espresso maker, trying to figure out my new one has been disastrous. Water keeps spurting out of the "seal." I think I just need to break it in, but good luck to you, and I hope life rocks in Svishtov.