Friday, August 3, 2007

Last Day in MA

Tomorrow, bright and early, I set out to Philadephia to meet up with my Peace Corps cohort. It seems that we will have a series of meetings regarding everything we ever wanted to know and more about Peace Corps policy and regulations, perhaps some pokes from various vaccination needles and a distribution of passports (I will have both a normal US passport and a special government one; it makes me feel like I am in a spy movie) and airplane tickets. It has seemed recently that I was approaching an event horizon on the outskirts of the black hole of moving abroad from which no shard of my identity would escape; happily, the feeling has become akin to the anticipation of my first big road trip in my recently sold VW golf.

I had a wonderful New England summer supper this evening with my parents and my grandfather: swordfish, corn and grilled tomatoes with rasperries and blueberries with some ice cream for dessert. The corn, tomatoes and raspberries were all grown within 10 miles of my parents' house. I can't think of a supper that more encapsulates early August in coastal Massachusetts. I have been eating fish (and mussels and clams and calamari!) at every opportunity, as I understand that, sadly, the Black Sea is rather polluted.

I have been enjoying the ocean this summer summer. I have been going to the beach a lot (just a quick bike ride away), including a quick last dip today. Yesterday, my mother and I went on a kayaking adventure (meaning I paddled, and my mother told me where I should paddle) on the tidal inlet that my parents live on. See below, picture of my mother (and my toes) in the bow of the kayak.

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